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Poster: Telephone Toughguy Date: Aug 7, 2007 8:26am
Forum: sept_11_tv_archive Subject: Re: unable to DL

Go into FTP or HTTP blue link on the left if no links are on the bottom grid. Right click, save as. Some stuff is streaming only...

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Poster: gamov Date: Aug 29, 2007 8:32pm
Forum: sept_11_tv_archive Subject: Re: unable to DL | High Quality

First, I want to say that putting this up is a fantastic idea.
I have a few issues though:
- I don't find any links to download a piece of video (FTP or HTTP). The instructions at brings you to an un-authorized page.
- I don't see any High Quality option (the 256kbps stream or the flash player seem of the same quality)
- Sometimes, (eg. first segment on CNN) the streaming 256kbps is available but when QT loads up, you can only hear the sound, no image. I don't know if it is intentional or not. I prefer much the QT player because we can go through the material instantly, we don't need for it to load...


Cheers everybody!